

欧文康考迪亚大学 athletic training students will progress through a sequential and progressive didactic curriculum that equips you with the necessary knowledge and psychomotor 技能 to graduate with a Master of Science in Athletic Training. 课程主要在欧文校区进行, 而某些课程以互动和吸引人的形式融合了在线交付.

The 3+2 MSAT track allows incoming freshman or transfer students 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 to declare athletic training as their major as undergraduates. MSAT录取的先决条件课程整合在 运动前训练和相关医疗保健 专业核心课程.

The 4+2 MSAT track allows students who have completed a Bachelor of Science in a related major to apply for our two year accelerated program.

  • 核心课程
  • 64个单位
  • MSAT 450/550:运动训练的基础
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强调运动医学界的全球方法, 认证的运动教练在联合医疗保健社区中扮演的角色, 以及关注运动医学基础的当代话题, 运动训练和运动生理学.

  • MSAT 451/551:风险管理,录音, & 伤害预防
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介绍基本的录音, 准备, wrapping and casting techniques that are common practice in athletic training and sports medicine. Content is based upon the 4th Edition National Athletic Trainer's Association Educational Competencies/Risk Management and 伤害预防 domain.

  • MSAT 650:运动训练的研究方法
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This class introduces the student to evidence based practice and educational research methodology in allied health care and higher education.

  • MSAT 452/552:伤害命名法
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The theory and practice of the principles and techniques pertaining to the prevention and 治疗ment of athletic injuries will be covered in this course along with the techniques of preventative athletic taping and strapping being incorporated into the laboratory component. 可能需要支付实验室费用.

  • MSAT 448/548:评估I:下肢和脊柱
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下半身损伤评估的理论与实践方法, 本课程将采用系统评估的形式, 由国家运动教练协会(NATA)管理, 是用来评估腰椎的重点吗, 臀部, 大腿, 膝盖, 小腿, 脚踝, 脚, 步态分析. 实验时间包含在课程表中.

  • MSAT 449/549:评估II:上肢和脊柱
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上半身损伤评估的理论与实践方法, 本课程将采用系统评估的形式, 由NATA管理, 是否侧重于对头部/面部的评估, 脊柱颈胸/, 肩膀, 肘, 前臂, 手腕, 手, 腹部脏器. 实验时间包含在课程表中.

  • MSAT 468/568:治疗方式
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A theoretical and practical approach to therapeutic modalities in exercise and rehabilitation are discussed and explored in this course. 实验时间包含在课程表中. 本课程向学生介绍各种热, mechanical and electrical agents/modalities that are used in athletic health care and physical therapy to promote healing and rehabilitation. The class consists of lecture and lab based instruction of the use the electrical stimulation, 低温/温热疗法, 水疗, 超声波, 牵引, 保健按摩, 生物反馈, 压迫疗法.

  • MSAT 458/558:治疗性运动
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This course is a theoretical and practical approach to therapeutic exercise and rehabilitation techniques for the injured athlete or those who engage in physical activity. 实验时间包含在课程表中.

This course introduces the student to the clinical applications of therapeutic exercise and the rehabilitation process for athletic injuries in sports medicine and physical therapy professional settings. 一个讲座和实验,重点关注运动的使用范围, 强度, 肌肉耐力和肌肉速度练习, 本体感觉神经肌肉易化, 和联合动员,以促进受伤后的健康和保健.

  • MSAA/MSAT 583:普通医学/药理学
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本课程将整合这些知识, 技能, and values that entry-level certified athletic trainers or similar health professionals must possess to recognize, 治疗, 并参考, 在适当的时候, 一般医疗状况和残疾. This course will also look at the 技能 and knowledge of pharmacologic applications for athletes and others involved in physical activity.  Designed to introduce the athletic training student to the various general medical conditions that effect the active and athletic population. 课程的重点是预防, 识别, 临床诊断, 治疗干预措施, and appropriate medical referral of pathological medical conditions which are encompassed in the field of sport medicine.

  • MSCE 589: Nutrition for Sport
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This course covers the essentials of human nutrition that improve and sustain optimal performance for sport and exercise. 饮食失调的影响(男女运动员), 体重管理, 并对运动营养资源进行了探讨.

  • MSAT 605:运动训练中的行政和管理策略
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介绍了行政和管理策略纳入专业, 校际, 中学及临床运动训练专业设置. 主题包括政策和程序, 运动医学的合法性, 卫生保健法规, 道德行为准则和合理谨慎标准, 以及在联合医疗保健中遵守OSHA和HIPAA.

  • MSAT 607:高级伤害管理
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预先准备分诊, 治疗, managing and rehabilitating chronic and acute athletic injuries that occur in sport and physical activity. 本课程着重于具体的病因, 唱, 症状, 直接护理, conservation management and surgical implications of injury and disease processes to the orthopedic anatomy. Course content is based on the 4th Edition National Athletic Trainer's Association Education Competencies in the categorical domain of Risk Management and 伤害预防.

  • MSCE 586:高级力量,速度和调节
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本课程提供力量和调节的概述. 重点放在运动科学(包括解剖学)上, 运动生理学, 生物力学)和营养学, 运动技术, 程序设计, 组织与管理, 测试和评估. This course is designed to prepare students for the nationally accredited Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) certification exam.

  • MSN/MSAT 533:高级病理生理学
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This course provides students with an understanding of physiologic and pathophysiologic concepts related to health maintenance and illness management to enhance clinical reasoning 技能. Students will learn to integrate pathophysiologic processes to support nursing care decisions relative to preventative care and alterations produced through acute and chronic illness. 目前的研究, 医疗保健问题, case studies and application to specialty areas are highlighted to enhance the understanding and integration of pathophysiology in nursing care.

  • MSAT 606:医学伦理和专业实践
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This class introduces the student to the foundational behaviors of professional practice for the certified athletic trainer and other allied health care professionals. The course introduces the student to evidence based research models in regards to professionalism, 医学伦理学, 法律方面的考虑, 文化能力.

  • MSAT 401/501:运动训练临床I
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伤害预防与健康促进,专业实践的基本行为. Practical application and clinical field experiences associated with beginning athletic training education coursework. 200小时的临床实习经验被整合到这个级别的临床课程中.

  • MSAT 402/502:运动训练临床II
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临床检查和骨科诊断,损伤和疾病的急性护理. Practical application and clinical field experiences associated with intermediate athletic training education coursework. 200小时的临床实习经验被整合到这个级别的临床课程中. Practical application and clinical field experiences associated with beginning athletic training education coursework. 200小时的临床实习经验被整合到这个级别的临床课程中.

  • MSAT 603:运动训练临床III
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治疗干预. Practical application and clinical field experiences associated with intermediate athletic training education coursework. 200小时的临床实习经验被整合到这个级别的临床课程中.

  • MSAT 604:运动训练临床IV
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医疗管理, 专业发展与责任, 心理社会策略及转介. Practical application and clinical field experiences associated with advanced athletic training education coursework. 临床教育熟练程度顶点评价. 200个临床小时的现场经验被整合到这个级别的临床.

  • MSAT 695:运动训练顶点
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顶点课程,将课程作为一个整体纳入一个研究项目, 案例分析和专业陈述.

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